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Issue 18, January 2007

Editor: Matt Supko
Fiction Editor: Hannah Pittard
Poetry Editor: Hannah Hegnauer
Nonfiction Editor: Aja Gabel
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Book Reviews: Amber Stamper

Keith Althaus, "If I Could Throw My Voice" (Poetry) pgs. 44-45 // "Poem" (Poetry) pg. 46 // "Poem" (Poetry) pg. 47
Herman Asarnow, "Ode to Joy: An Ovation" (Poetry) pgs. 151-152 // "Aubade: Drooling" (Poetry) pg. 153 // ""Too Marvelous for Words"" (Poetry) pg. 154
Thomas Bouman, "The Middle Summer's Spring" (Fiction) pgs. 137-146
Sam Byfield, "From the Middle Kingdom" (Poetry) pg. 48
Patrick Donnelly, "On Learning that the Phone in a House Where He Loved Thirty Years Ago is Still in His Name" (Poetry) pg. 23 // "Sentence" (Poetry) pg. 24
Matthew Gavin Frank, "Parts of a Feather" (Poetry) pgs. 38-39
Isabel Galbraith, "Cuckoo Clock" (Poetry) pg. 136
Ewa Hryniewicz-Yarbrough, "Spring in Europe" (Translation) pg. 119
Kimberly Johnson, "Ode on My Episiotomy" (Poetry) pg. 43
Lisa Katz, "Interview" (Interview) pgs. 26-31 // "To a Young Poet About to Read Aloud" (Translation) pgs. 33-35 // "Poetry Reading" (Translation) pg. 37
Krzysztof Lisowski, "Wiosna w Europie" (Poetry) pg. 118
Kate Milliken, "Sleight of Hand" (Fiction) pgs. 40-42
Agi Mishol, "Interview" (Interview) pgs. 26-31 // "To a Young Poet About to Read Aloud" (Poetry) pgs. 32-34 // "Poetry Reading" (Poetry) pg. 36
Gregory Orr, "From How Beautiful the Beloved" (Poetry) pgs. 96-99
Minnie Bruce Pratt, "Painting the Hall" (Poetry) pg. 134 // "The Slag Heaps" (Poetry) pg. 135
Matthew M. Quick, "Yes, Hamlet Was a Pirate (Albeit Briefly)" (Fiction) pgs. 122-133
Josh Rathkamp, "I Just Called to Say" (Poetry) pgs. 147-148 // "Loneliness in Arizona with a Baseball Game Inside It" (Poetry) pgs. 149-150
Michael Robins, "Kodachrome" (Poetry) pg. 1
Lisa Russ Spaar, "No Picnic" (Poetry) pg. 116 // "Cricket" (Poetry) pg. 117
C. Parker Staley, "A Giraffe's Tongue" (Fiction) pgs. 6-22
Sam Taylor, "Paper" (Poetry) pg. 94 // "The Book of Spring" (Poetry) pg. 95
Nance Van Winckel, "Sky One" (Poetry) pg. 2 // "Fifth Sky" (Poetry) pg. 3 // "The Sky at Dusk" (Poetry) pg. 4 // "The Dog Who Gets to Ride in the Car" (Poetry) pg. 5
Benjamin Warner, "Daredevils" (Fiction) pgs. 100-115

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Issue 17, Spring/Summer 2006

Fiction Editor: Anna Shearer
Poetry Editor: Ryan Fox
Managing Editor: Mike Rutherglen
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Cover Artist: Laura Lee

Kevin Barents, "Domiciliary of the State" (Poetry) pg. 74
Sarah M. Brownsberger, "Outer Flats" (Poetry) pg. 11
Ron Carlson, "My Soldiers" (Nonfiction) pg. 59 // "Waiting for the River" (Fiction) pgs. 60-64
John T Casteen, "For Those Who Knew Her" (Poetry) pg. 132 // "Enormity" (Poetry) pg. 133
Jack Christian, "Hell is Fire, Heaven is Cake" (Poetry) pgs. 65-66
Stephen Dixon, "Going Back" (Fiction) pgs. 2-6
Mike Dockins, "Gettysburg, Gettysburg" (Poetry) pgs. 8-10
Jeffrey Dodd, "Glad-Handing the Vision of Christ in the International Airport" (Poetry) pg. 131
John Domini, "Okie Monarchs" (Poetry) pgs. 50-51
Jane Dunn, "This Is My Life" (Poetry) pg. 1
Allison Eir Jenks, "The Third Rail" (Poetry) pgs. 52-53
Jean Esteve, "Our Hero" (Poetry) pg. 83 // "If Then" (Poetry) pg. 84
Elizabeth Gold, "The Juggler Is Tired Now" (Poetry) pgs. 56-57
Sonia Greenfield, "I Shouldn't Even Be Writing This" (Poetry) pgs. 109-110 // "Winter Distances" (Poetry) pgs. 111-112
Daniel A. Hoyt, "Maria" (Fiction) pgs. 15-25
Dean Jameson, "Out of Frame" (Poetry) pgs. 67-72
Rebecca Kennedy, "In The Dark" (Poetry) pg. 7
George Moore, "Poem Against Poem" (Poetry) pg. 134
Phong Nguyen, "220 Nickles" (Fiction) pgs. 85-91
Kathy Nilsson, "Waterside Living" (Poetry) pg. 12 // "Telling the Bees Their Master Died" (Poetry) pg. 13
Dan Pope, "Going Strange" (Fiction) pgs. 113-120
Kyle Rene, "To the Venus of Willendorf" (Poetry) pg. 82
John Salter, "Captain America" (Fiction) pgs. 121-130
Elizabeth Sanger, "The Sign" (Poetry) pg. 73
Alison Stine, "Your Gift Arrives Shattered" (Poetry) pg. 54
Shawn Sturgeon, "Poem on My Fortieth Birthday" (Poetry) pg. 58
John Tait, "Nothing Will Happen That I Don't Tell You About" (Fiction) pgs. 92-108
Bob Thurber, "Cinderella She Was Not" (Fiction) pgs. 28-48

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Issue 16, Fall/Winter 2005

Poetry Editor: Ryan Fox
Fiction Editor: Anna Shearer
Managing Editor: Mike Rutherglen
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Cover Artist: Lavely Miller

Seth Abrasion, "When Low to the Ground, With Silvered Bones" (Poetry) pgs. 104-105
Jeffrey Bean, "Incantation against Old Age" (Poetry) pg. 43
Sandra Beasley, "Already" (Poetry) pgs. 74-75
Paula Bohince, "Grapes" (Poetry) pg. 21
Hayden Draper, "Annunciation" (Poetry) pg. 40 // "If You Cannot Be True" (Poetry) pg. 41 // "Impression" (Poetry) pg. 42
Josh Goldfaden, "Maryville, California, Pop. 7" (Fiction) pgs. 79-92
Megan Harlan, "The Jungles of Colombia" (Fiction) pgs. 29-37
Charles Haverty, "Nobody's Here But Us Chickens" (Fiction) pgs. 108-122
Matthew Hittinger, "A Bartered Bookcase Travels Blocks" (Poetry) pgs. 26-27
James Hoch, "Thirst" (Poetry) pgs. 72-73
Cecily Iddings, "Lyman Street" (Poetry) pgs. 18-19 // "Pet Disastrous" (Poetry) pg. 20
Peter Kline, "After Sappho" (Poetry) pg. 5
Andrew Kozma, "Gatherings of Animals" (Poetry) pgs. 3-4
Liz Langemak, "You Come Back" (Poetry) pgs. 77-78
Hailey Leithauser, "The Presbyopic Wind" (Poetry) pgs. 22-23 // "The Moon Speaks of the Necessity of Worship" (Poetry) pgs. 24-25
Sandy Longhorn, "Heliopause" (Poetry) pg. 2
Joshua Marie Wilkinson, "Still Life with All the Animals" (Poetry) pg. 1
Tim O'Connell, "Four Cities" (Poetry) pgs. 38-39
Sherod Santos, "The Continued Life" (Interview) pgs. 95-103
Ellen Wehle, "Lull" (Poetry) pg. 76
Kellie Wells, "Interview" (Interview) pgs. 47-56 // "Moon River" (Fiction) pgs. 57-59
Bradley Whitehurst, "Hauling Water" (Poetry) pgs. 106-107
William Williams, "Glasnost" (Fiction) pgs. 6-17

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