
This page lists five issues and their contributors. Use the navigation links to see more

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Issue 48, Summer 2024

Editor: Coby-Dillon English
Fiction Editor: Garrett Kim
Poetry Editor: Gabriel Costello
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Cover Artist: Hope Kelham

Afua Ansong, "John the Baptist" (Poetry) pg. 78
McCullough Blessing, "Fall Migrations" (Nonfiction) pgs. 42-47
Eliot Cardinaux, "Kin" (Poetry) pg. 20 // "Looking Glass" (Poetry) pg. 21
Patrick Clement James, "Galveston, Texas" (Nonfiction) pgs. 12-14
Katie Edkins Milligan, "Class Notes" (Fiction) pgs. 89-91
Coby-Dillon English, "Spiraling Down: On Katabasis and Stepping into Fear with Raisa Tolchinsky" (Interview) pgs. 105-110
Stacey Forbes, "Confessions of an alvacado lover" (Poetry) pgs. 7-8
Robert Gibb, "Andrea Zepic" (Poetry) pg. 16
Marina Greenfeld, "homestead" (Poetry) pg. 17 // "On Endings" (Poetry) pgs. 18-19
William Hawkins, "Decoys" (Fiction) pgs. 79-81
Aiden Heung, "The Visit" (Poetry) pg. 65 // "What The Dead Wanted" (Poetry) pg. 65 // "Blossom in a Glass, Vincent Van Gogh" (Poetry) pg. 67
Darren Higgins, "Double Elephant" (Poetry) pg. 35
Jessica Holmes, "The Book of the Dead Woman (Shapes)" (Poetry) pgs. 3-4
Kaley Hutter, "Obol" (Poetry) pg. 40
Natalie Keener, "Marrow Song" (Poetry) pg. 82 
Hope Kelham, "Cover Artist Statement" (Artwork) pg. 118
Jessie Kraemer, "A Calculation Involved in Disappearing over the Pacific" (Fiction) pgs. 102-103
Paul Linczak, "Republikflucht" (Fiction) pgs. 22-34
Michael Malan, "The Name of the Song" (Fiction) pg. 5  // "Tarot Reading" (Fiction) pg. 6
Susan Mersereau, "Generation Loss" (Fiction) pgs. 53-63
Nicholas Montemarano, "Sonnet Beginning with Job and Ending with Dickinson" (Poetry) pg. 15 
Amy Moore, "What Lies Beneath: Tracing Contaminants Back to Their Source" (Nonfiction) pgs. 68-74
Bennett Nieberg, "Boyhood" (Poetry) pg. 49 // "Lemon Country" (Poetry) pg. 50 // "Monozygotic" (Poetry) pg. 51 // "To Love Someone Long Term Is to Attend a Thousand Funerals" (Poetry) pg. 52
John A. Nieves, "Suite: Playthings" (Poetry) pgs. 95-96 // "Scavenger Quatrains" (Poetry) pg. 96
Cathlin Noonan, "Haunting the Archive" (Poetry) pg. 77
Martha Paz-Soldan, "Auditioning for the Role of Orfeo" (Poetry) pg. 97
Aaron Rabinowitz, "No eulogy" (Fiction) pg. 101
Johann Sarna, "Eden" (Poetry) pgs. 9-10
Raisa Tolchinsky, "Spiraling Down: On Katabasis and Stepping into Fear" (Interview) pgs. 105-110 
G.C. Waldrep, "Elam House (Austin, Minnesota)" (Poetry) pgs. 36-37 // "Elam House (Austin, Minnesota)" (Poetry) pgs. 38-39
Jacob Walhout, "Afternoon, September 13" (Poetry) pgs. 83-85 // "from Pop" (Poetry) pg. 86
Raziya Wang, "Heretic" (Poetry) pg. 64
Christian Wessels, "Frog Lesson" (Poetry) pg. 48
Adele Williams, "Geological Fates" (Poetry) pg. 93
Heath J Wooten, "April" (Poetry) pg. 87
Ronnie Yates, "Stain King" (Poetry) pg. 75 // "Who wanted more light?" (Poetry) pg. 76
Jane Zwart, "Mooncalf Vellum" (Poetry) pg. 41

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Issue 47, Summer 2023

Editor: Kaitlyn Airy
Poetry Editor: Sébastien Butler
Fiction Editor: Tafara Gava
Nonfiction Editor: Coby-Dillon English
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Social Media: ethan evans
Cover Artist: Kate Cart

k Abram, "Work is good. Fuck employment." (Fiction) pg. 109
Sharon Ackerman, "Tomatoes" (Poetry) pgs. 80-81
Temperance Aghamohammadi, "Wolf's Bane in Four Movements" (Poetry) pgs. 98-99
Les Bares, "Deliverance from El Diablo Rojo" (Fiction) pgs. 106-107
Terry Belew, "Legacy Waste" (Poetry) pgs. 11-12
Eric Benick, "Goatboy Verisimilitiude" (Poetry) pgs. 20-21 // "Palimpsexual" (Poetry) pgs. 22-23
Christopher Bolin, "Soundwave" (Poetry) pg. 7
Charles Byrne, "Pleasure Centers" (Poetry) pg. 104
Frank Carellini, "To make your body a weapon" (Poetry) pg. 103
Camille Carter, "Cut Bank, Montana" (Poetry) pg. 13
Colette Cosner, "Certain Creaks" (Poetry) pg. 56
Sylavia Dziewaltowska, "Creature Stealing Up" (Nonfiction) pgs. 14-18
Megan Gannon, "Dispatch from the Month before Your Arrival" (Poetry) pgs. 78-79
Derek Graf, "Against Purity" (Poetry) pg. 10
Mack Gregg, "Fragmented Bodies On Collage Poetics (Angela Peñaredondo)" (Interview) pgs. 112-119
Iain Grinbergs, "An Afternoon Bike Ride in NW D.C." (Poetry) pgs. 95-97
C.M. Hewitt, "Traminette on Beltane" (Poetry) pgs. 81-82
Candice Kelsey, "One Dead Cousin" (Poetry) pg. 60
kyung lee, "That Day November Slaked" (Poetry) pgs. 100-101
Michael Malan, "When Nothing Happens" (Fiction) pg. 108
Holly Mason Badra, "Aubade with Grain, Gold, and Feather" (Poetry) pgs. 8-9
Michael McGuire, "The Girl with the Broken Arm" (Fiction) pgs. 26-37
Dorothy Neagle, "Smoke and Beeswax" (Poetry) pg. 101
Wendy Oleson, "Today Is National Eat Your Jell-O Day" (Fiction) pgs. 110-111
Angela Peñaredondo, "Fragmented Bodies On Collage Poetics" (Interview) pgs. 112-119
Xiaoqiu Qiu, "Photons" (Poetry) pg. 1
Arnisha Royston, "[untitled] or funding myself between the men in my life" (Poetry) pg. 42
Richard Saporita, "Vidick the Tailor" (Fiction) pgs. 83-94
Caitlin Scarano, "This Land of Salt or Southwest Virginia, Sixteen Years Later" (Poetry) pg. 102
Angela Siew, "Poem with Too Many Endings" (Poetry) pgs. 65-66
Alan Sincic, "Donut" (Fiction) pgs. 2-6
Lian Mariz Sing, "Phoenix" (Poetry) pg. 38
Joannie Stangeland, "Call It Wanting" (Poetry) pgs. 24-25
Meghan Sterling, "Blue Giant" (Poetry) pg. 43
Sneha Subramanian Kanta, "Litany Caesura" (Poetry) pgs. 39-40
Alex Tretbar, "Thunder in the Index" (Poetry) pg. 19
Kerem Trolander, "Tolstoy's Footsteps" (Fiction) pgs. 67-77
Jieyan Wang, "Anecdotes of Flight" (Fiction) pgs. 61-64
Cassandra Whitaker, "I Am the Wolf's History Book" (Poetry) pgs. 57-58 // "The Body Is a Home for a Tiny Wolf" (Poetry) pg. 59
Anna Zwade, "dinner becomes a thicket of undoing" (Poetry) pg. 41

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Issue 46, Spring 2022

Editor: Jeddie Sophronius
Fiction Editor: Nana Boateng
Poetry Editor: Kaitlyn Airy
Nonfiction Editor: Henrietta Hadley
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Cover Artist: Gabriela Nighan

Emily Adams-Aucoin, "Newlyweds" (Poetry) pgs. 118-119
Kaitlyn Airy, "A Conversation with Aimee Seu" (Interview) pgs. 138-145
Sarah Ali, "Innocent" (Fiction) pgs. 23-24
Lisa Ampleman, "Water of Life" (Poetry) pg. 26
Emma Bolden, "In the Beginning Was Ending" (Poetry) pg. 88
Erica Braverman, "Church of Our Lord of the Good End" (Poetry) pgs. 133-134
Sean Cho A., "Memory Sequence" (Poetry) pg. 75
Robert Evory, "Body Grammar" (Poetry) pg. 89
Alan Yenming Fang, "Pinyan Abecaderian" (Poetry) pg. 3 // "李/Consult" (Poetry) pgs. 4-6
William Fargason, "Sonnet with Chronic Illness" (Poetry) pg. 112
A. R. Fierberg, "Koan" (Fiction) pgs. 28-36
Sara Gray, "Safe" (Fiction) pgs. 40-52
Hanna Henderson, "Butterfly Sister" (Fiction) pg. 19
Jay Julio, "Asian Lunchbox Poem" (Poetry) pg. 16
Maya Kanwal, "Mehr" (Fiction) pgs. 99-107
Christen Noel Kauffman, "Conversation with an Appaloosa" (Poetry) pg. 53
Tala Khanmalek, "Catalogue of Posthumously Found Objects" (Nonfiction) pgs. 121-124
Grey Wolfe LaJoie, "Snek & Goose" (Nonfiction) pgs. 129-132
Alexa Luborsky, "Testimony" (Poetry) pgs. 125-126
Andrew David MacDonald, "Psychonauts" (Fiction) pgs. 55-72
Nick Martino, "Torso of Soil, Torso of Air" (Poetry) pg. 38
Kevin McLellan, "A Housefly" (Poetry) pgs. 73-74
Carling McManus, "Origin" (Poetry) pg. 25
Matthew Moniz, "Rameses and Aaron" (Poetry) pg. 135
Weston Morrow, "Hereafter" (Poetry) pg. 136
Jane Morton, "Self Portrait with Feathers" (Poetry) pg. 120
Gabriela Nighan, "Cover Artist Statement" (Artwork) pg. 156
Danielle Pieratti, "A Memory of Snow" (Poetry) pg. 27
Vikram Ramakrishnan, "My Replacement" (Fiction) pgs. 113-117
Ark Ramsay, "My Warming Body" (Fiction) pgs. 7-15
Doug Ramspeck, "Ancient Mud" (Poetry) pg. 39
Aimee Seu, "A Conversation with Poet Aimee Seu" (Interview) pgs. 138-145
John Sibley Williams, "Wildfire Sonata" (Poetry) pg. 95
Aumaine Rose Smith, "Shift Drinks" (Poetry) pgs. 108-109
Dena Soffer, "That Tired Refrain" (Fiction) pgs. 20-22
Melvin Sterne, "The Spot" (Fiction) pgs. 90-94
Beth Suter, "Every Mother’s an Ocean" (Poetry) pg. 37
Lauren Tess, "Greenhouse" (Poetry) pg. 98
Sun Tzu-ping, "Letter from an Oliver" (Poetry) pgs. 127-128
Alexander Jonathan Vidgop, "Nomads" (Fiction) pgs. 1-2
Sara Moore Wagner, "How Not to Be a Proverbs Wife" (Poetry) pg. 54
Matt Whelihan, "Sophisticated Animals" (Fiction) pgs. 76-87

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Issue 45, Spring 2021

Editor: Suzie Eckl
Poetry Editor: Jeddie Sophronius
Fiction Editor: Jana Horn
Nonfiction Editor: Hannah Dierdorff
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood
Cover Artist: Dave McClinton

Kelli Agodon, "After Discovering My Husband Bought a Gun" (Poetry) pg. 173
Benjamin Aleshire, "Visitation" (Poetry) pg. 176
Heather Bourbeau, "Grasslands of the Arctic" (Poetry) pg. 116
Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer, "Etymology" (Poetry) pgs. 44-45
Jared Carlson, "Wandering" (Fiction) pgs. 124-126
Jessica Dionne, "After the Fertility Test II" (Poetry) pg. 28 // "The Ties That Bind" (Poetry) pgs. 29-30
Claire Dodd, "The Kiss" (Fiction) pgs. 3-14
Liza Flum, "Second Love" (Poetry) pgs. 74-75
Erika Goodrich, "What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me" (Poetry) pgs. 46-47
John Harn, "In Dayton, Ohio, in 1919" (Fiction) pgs. 127-128
Brenda Hillman, "A Conversation with Brenda Hillman: On Stretching the Soul" (Interview) pgs. 193-199
Ann Hudson, "Soap" (Poetry) pgs. 40-41
Charlotte Hughes, "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" (Fiction) pgs. 121-123
Spencer Hyde, "Standardized Patients" (Fiction) pgs. 107-115
Joanna B. Johnson, "On How to Make a Home" (Poetry) pg. 146
A.C. Koch, "Grind Them Bones to Dust" (Fiction) pgs. 57-69
Haesong Kwon, "Hills" (Poetry) pg. 144
Naomi Ling, "Immigration Papers" (Poetry) pgs. 174-175
Aneeqa Mazhar Wattoo, "Marigolds" (Poetry) pgs. 91-92
Victoria McArtor, "Phantom Wave" (Fiction) pgs. 127-128
Marsha McSpadden, "The Crow Child" (Fiction)
Matt Pasca, "Inshallah" (Poetry) pgs. 87-88
Ayesha Raees, "Dank" (Poetry) pg. 118
Rochelle Robinson-Dukes, "Sleeping between jobs while working on a degree" (Poetry) pgs. 89-90
Mira Rosenthal, "Constellation" (Poetry) pgs. 141-143
Rabia Saeed, "Passing" (Fiction) pgs. 19-27
Amanda Maret Scharf, "Folk Dance on the 4th of July" (Poetry) pgs. 71-72
Charlie Schneider, "IRL" (Fiction) pgs. 147-161
Hannah Smith, "Pandemic Elegy" (Poetry) pgs. 15-16 // "Legacies of a West Texas Wildcatter" (Poetry) pgs. 17-18
Leela Srinivasan, "Movement Therapy" (Poetry) pg. 73
Erica Stern, "Rehabilitation Institute, Overland Park, Kansas" (Fiction) pgs. 130-132
Jessica Tanck, "Elysium" (Poetry) pg. 127
Sasha Tandlich, "Exit Interview" (Fiction) pgs. 57-69
Greg Tebbano, "Galapagos" (Fiction) pgs. 162-172
Raisa Tolchinsky, "A Conversation with Brenda Hillman: On Stretching the Soul" (Interview) pgs. 193-199
Haolun Xu, "Lavender Sequence" (Poetry) pgs. 42-43
Katie Bowler Young, "Bypass, and a Missed Song" (Poetry) pg. 145
Winniebell Xinyu Zong, "Let the Wild Things Grow" (Poetry) pgs. 177-178

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Issue 44, Spring 2020

Editor: Emily Lawson
Fiction Editor: Suzie Eckl
Poetry Editor: Caleb Nolen
Nonfiction Editor: Jessica Walker
Faculty Advisor: Jeb Livingood

Jessica Alexander, "Homecoming" (Poetry) pg. 103
Dana Alsamsam, "Read All of Their Names" (Poetry) pgs. 86-87
Moncho Alvarado, "Dear Amá," (Poetry) pgs. 56-57
Aldo Amparán, "Glossary for What You Left Unsaid: Loss" (Poetry) pgs. 32-33
Jacob Appel, "Forever is a Moist, Dark Pipe" (Fiction) pgs. 17-28
Colin Bailes, "Sunshine State" (Poetry) pgs. 138-141
Daniel Barnum, "After-Image" (Poetry) pg. 127
Roy Bentley, "Criminals in Creative Writing Class" (Poetry) pg. 115
Bruce Bond, "Vellum" (Poetry) pgs. 2-13
Ronda Piszk Broatch, "Lord, I Meant to Be Helpless" (Poetry) pg. 128 // "Stitching Fragments of Sylvia to a Hornet's Nest with Spit and Paper" (Poetry) pg. 129
Samuel Cheney, "Summer Love in Monteagle, Tennessee" (Poetry) pgs. 34-36
Barbara Daniels, "Sex Ed" (Poetry) pg. 142
Brian Dempster, "Japan" (Poetry) pgs. 158-159
Christina Duhig, "Searching South Florida" (Poetry) pg. 178
Derick Ebert, "Moses" (Poetry) pg. 30
Katherine Fallon, "West Philadelphia 2013: Lauren, Surrounded" (Poetry) pg. 55
Jenny Ferguson, "Like Water" (Fiction) pgs. 133-137
Monica Fields, "Little Talk" (Poetry) pgs. 160-161
Rebecca Foust, "Omniscient Narrator" (Poetry) pg. 72
Matthew Gellman, "Topograhy" (Poetry) pg. 118
James Gray, "Bloodsucker Goes Away for the Weekend" (Fiction) pgs. 145-157
Doris Iarovici, "Bicth" (Fiction) pgs. 121-126
Stephanie Karp, "Tiny Baba" (Fiction) pgs. 92-93
Emily Katz, "Tiny Planets" (Fiction) pgs. 183-190
Mary Kovaleski Byrnes, "New Year" (Poetry) pgs. 179-180
C. M. Lindley, "Scrape You Up" (Fiction) pgs. 98-100
Christopher Linforth, "Proposal" (Fiction) pg. 31
Alex MacConochie, "Driven Home" (Poetry) pgs. 176-177
Muriel Nelson, "Don't start with death" (Poetry) pg. 29
Wendy Noonan, "Weeping Woman" (Nonfiction) pgs. 165-175
Megan Pinto, "The Dream of the Shepherd" (Poetry) pg. 85
Roberto Rodriguez, "A Conversation with C Pam Zhang" (Interview) pgs. 191-196
Josh Rolnick, "Trawlers" (Fiction) pgs. 39-54
Carrie Shipers, "Internment Letter" (Poetry) pgs. 116-117
Vanessa Tamm, "So Slow That It Sounds True" (Fiction) pgs. 96-97
Katlyn Tjerrild, "Vanity of Vanities" (Nonfiction) pgs. 107-114
Christie Towers, "Fear of Falling" (Poetry) pgs. 101-102
Sophia Veltfort, "Gingersnaps" (Fiction) pgs. 75-84
Ellie White, "The View from Below" (Nonfiction) pgs. 94-95
Tobias Wray, "Beginner's End" (Poetry) pg. 88
Jessica Yuan, "Human Resources" (Poetry) pg. 71
C Pam Zhang, "A Conversation with C Pam Zhang" (Interview) pgs. 191-196
Katherine Zlabek, "Trouble Lives on 15th Street" (Nonfiction) pgs. 61-70

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